Weekly Football

Weekly Football

Every Sunday, parents have the opportunity to drop off their children for an hour of football, providing them with the chance to tackle household chores or errands that were previously hindered by childcare responsibilities. The supervised football sessions are held in a safe environment by a highly experienced adult caretaker, ensuring the children’s well-being while they engage in physical activity. This weekly event aims to encourage youngsters to step away from screens and outdoor activities, promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Donate Now:

 Make a one-time or monthly contribution to support our Weekly Football program and invest in the well-being of the community's youth.

Spread the Word:

 Share our mission with friends, family, and colleagues, encouraging them to join in and contribute to the active and healthy development of our youngsters.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

 Explore corporate sponsorship options to further enhance and expand our Weekly Football sessions, creating a lasting impact on the lives of the children involved.

“Through Weekly Football, we transform Sundays into moments of joy for both children and parents. Your support ensures a safe and active haven for youngsters, promoting healthier lifestyles. Join us in scoring goals for community well-being – donate today and be a part of fostering active and happy childhoods.”